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IPL PhotofacialIn Monmouth County, NJ

Renew your skin with an IPL Photofacial in Monmouth County, NJ

Versatile Treatment

IPL PhotoFacials improve the look of sun-damaged skin, brown spots, and pigmented lesions while reducing the appearance of redness associated with rosacea and other skin conditions. In addition, the process is non-invasive, safe, and painless. PhotoFacial treatments often result in skin that is more evenly pigmented, healthier, and younger-looking than before treatment. Medical skincare specialists Dr. Jessica Kondraciuk and Dr. Stephanie Hanhan are dedicated to offering their patients the most cutting-edge medical skincare, laser, and energy treatments available. Our laser and energy therapy use a combination of light and heat to heal aging, damaged skin, and reducing hair growth. Make an appointment for your consultation now to take advantage of the IPL Photofacial in Monmouth County — the newest and greatest in skin rejuvenation.

What is an IPL Photofacial?

An IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial is a flexible therapy that can alleviate a variety of skin issues, including vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, brown spots caused by sun exposure, skin texture, broken capillaries, and redness, including rosacea, and even unwanted hair.

In addition, it can aid in the treatment of acne-related redness and acne scarring. Also, at our office in Monmouth County IPL photofacial treatment can increase collagen formation and reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, there is little to no downtime following the treatment since the IPL device provides an arc of light energy that penetrates all depths of the skin without hurting the surface (the epidermis). This light therapy may be used on the face, hands, neck, chest, and legs, among other body parts. In addition, the head of the device is often bigger than most laser spot sizes, allowing it to treat larger body areas in a shorter amount of time than traditional lasers.

Monmouth County IPL Photofacial model smiling

Your IPLPhotofacial Procedure

Your provider will assess your suitability for intense pulsed light therapy during your first appointment. She may do a spot test and make recommendations on what to avoid two weeks before your first IPL treatment. Examples are waxing, tanning, sun exposure, peels, and topical retinol or glycolic acid creams. Your skin will be cleaned and an ultrasonic gel administered before your treatment. In addition to protecting the skin, this cold gel lowers IPL wave reflection from the skin, making your treatment more efficient. You and your provider will both wear proper glasses for protection. The IPL device's handpiece is held against your skin, and a button activates the light pulses. You may feel a snapping sensation—like rubber bands on your skin. However, you are kept comfortable throughout your treatment. Your treatment takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of your treated area. Once your session is completed, your provider will gently wipe away excess gel, cleanse your skin, and apply sunscreen. If needed, you can apply moisturizer and makeup. At Radiant by MD we strive to offer the best IPL Photofacial Monmouth County has to offer!

Monmouth County IPL Photofacial model with brown hair

Schedule your Monmouth County IPL Photofacial consultation at Radiant by today

Drs. Jessica Kondraciuk and Stephanie Hanhan have dedicated their professional lives to providing their patients with the most cutting-edge medical skincare, laser, and energy treatments currently available. Our laser and energy treatment procedures utilize a mix of light and heat to cure aging and sun-damaged skin. Experience the most up-to-date and innovative technologies in skin rejuvenation at Radiant by MD.

IPL Photofacial Recovery

After an IPL photofacial, there is little to no downtime, but your skin will still go through a healing process that will take around one week to complete. Your skin may become red and swollen for a few hours or the remainder of the day, but you should be able to return to your normal activities. You may want to apply ice packs or a cool washcloth to the treated area to alleviate any discomfort. It is important to refrain from exercising for a couple of days to avoid swelling, which can cause recovery to be delayed. You can expect any pigmented spots to appear and rise to the surface of your skin within a week of receiving treatment before dropping off a few days to a week later. The brown, freckled regions might be mistaken for coffee grinds or pepper flakes due to their size and shape.

Photofacial Results

Skin irritation and hypersensitivity are possible for a few days following your treatment, so it is important to avoid abrasive skincare products like scrubs and other cleansers. Instead, choose gentle cleansers and moisturizers. As a result of your IPL treatment, your skin will be more susceptible to sun damage; therefore, avoid prolonged contact with the sun and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above to your treated area. An IPL treatment plan is often slow and steady, and may require three to four sessions to achieve your desired effects especially if you have more severe dark spots.

IPL PhotofacialFrequently Asked Questions

The number of treatments needed depend on your skin condition and your aesthetic objective. Often, patients may require several IPL photofacial treatments to achieve the best result.

IPL is highly safe and well-tolerated treatment when performed by a qualified professional like our doctors at Radiant by MD. However, temporary side effect occur, such as bruising, blistering, or hyperpigmentation.

The cost of your treatment is determined based on the size of the area and the number of treatments required. Depending on the severity of your skin concerns, you may need one to six sessions (four to six weeks apart) to get the desired outcomes completely. Your provider will further discuss the cost of your treatment during your consultation.

IPL treatments are not covered by medical insurance because they are considered cosmetic treatments.

Schedule your Radiant by MD consultation today

Radiant by MD is a new way of thinking about the New Jersey medspa experience. Here, you get the latest treatments performed by our Charm Doctors in a welcoming, discreet, luxurious environment. Treat yourself to looking your very best with a spa day at Radiant by MD today!

We serve patients throughout Monmouth County, Middlesex County, and the greater New Jersey area, including Marlboro, Manalapan, Colts Neck, East Brunswick, Holmdel, Millstone, and Howell.

25 Kilmer Drive, Building 3, Suite 211, Morganville, NJ 07751

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